Words and meanings in the LEXX
Your Guide to Understanding Lexx from A to Z

Brunnen-G - The romantic dreamers (e.g., Kai). Lived on Brunnis-2 after an exodus from their original home of Brunnis. Became extremely xenophobic after conquering the insect civilization in the great Insect Wars. Lived in peace and harmony; philosophers, poets, discoverers of a way to avoid death. Very intelligent beings, but their culture became stagnant after they hid themselves away from all other life in the universe. Wore a mark on their face, on the right cheek which symbolized a map of how to return to Brunnis.

Brunnis - Ancestral planet of the Brunnen-G. Planet was abandoned thousands of years ago, because of a massive attack by His Shadow. Satellites were built to keep the sun from going supernova and preserve the remnants of the culture.

B3K - Zev's ancestral planet.


cluster lizard - Big snake-worm-bug-like creature. Moves by turning into a ring, and rolling like a tire. Favorite food is brains. This is what Zev's DNA was combined with in her botched love slave operation.

cryo-chamber - The place where Kai (and other "zombies") are stored. Looks like a glass coffin. Called "a very cold box" by the Lexx.


dark zone - The "other" universe. Thus named because the Zone is beyond His Shadow's reaches, and therefore lawless. A place of chaos and disorder.


fractal core - A warp zone, a gateway between the two universes.

freezer - See cryo-chamber.


Gigashadow - The insect body being prepared for the re-birth. His Shadow plans to return to his true form and eradicate humanity. It looks like an enormous reproduction of a cluster lizard.


His Divine Shadow - Evil ruler of the league of 20,000 planets. He is in fact the last insect remaining from the Insect Wars (it had been believed the Brunnen-G wiped out all the bugs). His essence is hosted in a human body until that body is no more, then the brain is kept alive for its knowledge and becomes a Divine Predecessor (and there are scores of Divine Predecessors, many of which come to grisly ends). When Kai attempts to fight the Divine Order, His Shadow kills him but, in a fit of arrogance, keeps his body and uses him as an assassin. Kai eventually regains his memory and will, and does indeed kill His Shadow, as the prophecy foretold.

holocare home - A place where children are raised in kennel-like boxes by robots and images of humans (Zev grew up in one of these places). See also "wife bank."


League of 20,000 Planets - A communion of planets in the light universe. Ruled with an iron fist by His Divine Shadow, the League is home to order, peace and extreme religious tyranny. The system of justice revolves around slaughtering the largest number of people with the greatest efficiency.

lustikon - A machine designed to transform females into love slaves by giving them a perfect body, an accelerated libido and unquestioning devotion to whomever they first lay eyes on after the procedure is complete. One exists in the Cluster; a prototype is thought to be on a remote outpost.


moth - Biological transporters, which can be found inside the Lexx. Comfortably seats two, three is a little close for comfort and four is possible but a very tight squeeze indeed. No weapons capabilities. Stanley uses an old, dead one as a bed.


Nook - A planet covered by ocean, with only one small island capable of sustaining life. A religious order of ascetic monks populate this island, all of whom are men.


ocular parabola - The Lexx's weapon, with enough power to destroy planets.


protoblood - Substance used to animate the dead. Provided from a tube in His Divine Shadow's cryo-chamber. It can also be created by the Gigashadow, but since the Gigashadow was destroyed along with the fractal core, there is no known way to get a hold of more protoblood.


wife bank - A place where candidates are trained in the womanly arts of domesticity and subservience. Zev was trained here, though not very successfully, as she punched out her intended husband soon after first laying eyes on him.

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